Moving Active & Healthy Ageing

What is MAHA?

MAHA is the movement for active and healthy ageing. We support healthier and more independent living for older people through personalised technology solutions that we deploy in their own environments. 

MAHA es parte del ecosistema internacionalmente reconocido de Reference Sites, y está formado por una sólida red de barrios e instituciones que mejora la calidad de vida de los mayores y la sostenibilidad del sistema sanitario. MAHA continúa el legado del gran piloto europeo ACTIVAGE, consolidando una red donde el envejecimiento saludable y la innovación se cruzan para promover la calidad de vida de las personas dentro de sus hogares y en toda la ciudad.

Our aim is to build an international AHA-IoT ecosystem for the implementation of solutions that improve the autonomy, well-being and active social participation of older people, based on innovation, research and awareness.


Ageing is one of the greatest achievements of our society. It is an opportunity, not a cost.


A new foundational space where technology becomes a bridge between those who have already lived a lot and those who have their whole lives ahead of them.

An AHA-IoT ecosystem

We work in a framework of innovation based on collaborations between key actors within the five-fold helix: society, industry, academia, governments and the environment. A living and connected ecosystem where IoT (Internet of Things) technologies not only help older people to improve their quality of life, but also add value to the rest of society. 

Synergies in connected health

Within this framework of connections, MAHA is integrated in GATEKEEPER, a European platform for secure and efficient interoperability of digital AI, Big Data and IoT solutions for health. With more than 40,000 users in 9 pilots in Europe, Gatekeeper will enable early detection and intervention of chronic diseases and other health conditions.

Our values

The elderly are no longer passive subjects who receive what younger people create, but become true creators and providers of fundamental social goods for the community. 

Collective responsibility and in relation to the development of an enriching intergenerational exchange for one's own life project and that of one's environment, based not only on a supposed wisdom, but on the exchange that is facilitated in the encounter with others.

Strengthening the role of older people in human groups becomes urgent in contexts such as the European context, not only to contribute to the physical and mental well-being of older people but also to the improvement of society as a whole.

A process of transfer and exchange of knowledge and experiences where technology becomes a useful tool to enhance the socialisation factor and the social value: thinking outside the box because learning is not only at one stage, but we can learn throughout life. 

The world we address

Spain is home to more than 9 million people over 65 years of age and it is expected that by 2050 they will represent more than 30% of the total population. Consequently, the number of people living in a situation of dependency is continuously increasing. At MAHA we address five everyday realities that directly affect them:

  • Lack of healthy habits
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Increased physical fragility
  • Social isolation


We work to build solutions to counteract the problems associated with chronic diseases and the deterioration of old age, promoting a better quality of life at this stage of life.


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